Learn French

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Thinking of joining one of our courses?


Learning a new language at any stage of adulthood, old age included, is extremely good for improving and maintaining the memory generally.

"Because it requires intense focus, studying a new language turns on the control system for plasticity and keeps it in good shape for laying down sharp memories of all kinds. You will gradually sharpen everything up again, and that will be very highly benefical to you." 
    From "The Brain That Changes Itself" (Author: Merzenich)

Thank you for showing an interest in our courses.

Read on to see details of the prerequisites required for each of our various class levels.

Whether you be a 'real beginner' or you already have some knowledge of French and you decide to choose to join one of our classes, you will be encouraged - 'coached' - to develop and use the 4 essential skills involved in the learning and being able to use a language:

Oral skills:

  •     Being able to understand spoken French
  •     Being able to communicate in French, to make yourself understood orally

Written skills:

  •     Being able to understand written French
  •     Being able to write in French, to make yourself understood in writing

These skills imply using grammar and vocabulary. Neither are systematically taught as such. On the contrary, learners are 'led' to need and use them both in an active, interactive, relaxed and enjoyable way.

You will also get to know or know more about the civilisation of French-speaking countries and French-speaking people's idiosyncrasies.

Our tuition is in strict accordance with the 'Language European Common Reference Frame' (CERF: Cadre Européen de Référence pour les langues). See Table 3 p.26-27 of The Common European Framework of Reference For Languages.

The CERF advocates for task-focused learning, ongoing assessment, self-assessment and the awareness of the plurality of languages and cultures.

On the following pages you will find descriptions of the prerequisites for our various class levels. Please note that the levels for some of the classes currently being offered are marked with an asterisk. Read the information for each level to assist you to decide the course most suitable for you.

Learn French

Local Radio

"French Connection"
on River FM 92.9
Saturday, 12 noon to 2pm

Upcoming Events

🤔 Saturday 8th February (10.00am): French Scrabble in Ballina at the Cherry Street Sports Club.  For further information, email Patricia

🥖 Saturday 8th February (11.00am): Picnic at Victoria Park, Dalwood.  Ché Bon picnic boxes available (pre-order for $25). Tea & coffee available. BYO cold drinks, chairs, etc.  Wear your bleu, blanc, rouge.

👩‍🎓 Monday 10th February: Term One French classes commence this week.

💖 🎞️ Friday 14th February (6.30pm): Valentine's Day Film Preview of "Beating Heart" at the Palace Byron Bay.

🤔 Saturday 22nd February (10.00am): French Scrabble in Ballina at the Cherry Street Sports Club.  For further information, email Patricia

🎞️ Friday 7th March to Wednesday 2nd April: French Film Festival at the Palace Byron Bay

📈 Saturday 22nd March (10.00am): Annual General Meeting at the Ballina Indoor Sports Centre

👩‍🎓 Monday 7th April: Term One French classes conclude this week.