Learn French

Please refer to course information on this page, and contact us if you wish to enrol.

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AFCDN Membership is compulsory for all students and needs to be renewed annually (in January). If you were enrolled in a Term One or Two 2024 class, your membership is still current.

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Direct Deposit
NAB - Molesworth St, Lismore
Acc Name: Alliance Française Côte du Nord Inc
BSB: 082-707
Acc No: 712939366
* Remember to include your name & a description of your payment
Cheque - payable to "Alliance Française Côte du Nord Inc"
PO Box 6061, South Lismore NSW 2480

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Learn French

Local Radio

"French Connection"
on River FM 92.9
Saturday, 12 noon to 2pm

Upcoming Events

🤔 Saturday 27th July (10.00am): French Scrabble at Cherry Street Sports Club at 68 Cherry Street, Ballina.  For further information, email Patricia

👩‍🎓 Monday 29th July: Term 3 French classes commence this week.

🤔 Saturday 10th August (10.00am): French Scrabble at Cherry Street Sports Club at 68 Cherry Street, Ballina.  For further information, email Patricia

🎞️  Wednesday 19th June (3.30pm): French/English film at Lismore's Starcourt Theatre.  Watch Mr Blake at Your Service.

👩‍🎓 Monday 23th September: Term 3 French classes conclude this week.